Section policies
Thematic articles
Each issue presents an aspect of the same issue in the form of a thematic dossier. Guest writers generally solicit specialists in the field and invite them to submit an article. The submission of texts in this section is reserved for invited authors. However, if you are interested in one of the topics to be published, please contact the editorial office at
admin [at] criminologie [dot] ca.
Non-themed articles
Each issue has a section for off-topic articles, which includes articles submitted by researchers who wish to report on the results of their recent work. This section is open to everyone and covers a variety of topics. All articles submitted to this section are pre-reviewed internally before being peer-reviewed.
Peer review process
Each anonymized article is submitted to two anonymous reviewers not affiliated with the Université de Montréal.
All submissions should be sent to the Revue Criminologie from the online article management system hosted on this website. Authors who do not have an account on our online article management system can create one by
clicking on this link.
Format of submissions
- The Revue Criminologie publishes only original and unpublished manuscripts in French on research results relating to delinquency, crime and their control. Submitted manuscripts must not already be published online or in another journal.
- Manuscripts should be submitted in Word format.
- Manuscripts should be presented in Times New Roman, double-spaced.
- Manuscripts should not exceed 8,500 words including title, abstract, tables and references.
- Submissions should include a title page in Word format separate from the main manuscript that contains the title of the text, the authors' names, their professional affiliations, their e-mail addresses, the first author's mailing address as well as the word count of the article (title, abstract, tables and references included).
- The title must not exceed 64 characters, including spaces. A subtitle can follow with a maximum of 155 characters, including spaces.
- Manuscripts must include two abstracts of no more than 15 lines each, one in English and the other in French, as well as key words (5 maximum) in each of the languages. The English version of the title must also be provided.
- If the authors have received financial support from a granting agency for the writing of the manuscript, the authors must mention this on the title page.
- The file containing the main manuscript must be anonymous, both in the text and in its metadata. Authors must replace any mention of their names with the mention AUTHOR in the text and in the references.
- Tables should be identified in sequential order according to the following pattern: Table 1, Table 2, etc.
- Tables should be created with appropriate word processing functionality. Cell contents should not be separated by tabs but by actual cells.
- Tables should be presented at the end of the text. However, you must indicate where in the manuscript they should be inserted.
- The figures must be identified in sequential order according to the following pattern: Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.
- Authors must submit electronic versions of the figures separately, preferably in TIFF, EPS or Photoshop format, with excellent resolution (minimum 300 DPI). Authors should indicate where in the manuscript the figures should be inserted.
- Color figures should also be submitted in black and white.
- Notes should be numbered and appear at the bottom of the page. Authors should use the appropriate word processor function to link footnotes to footnotes in the manuscript.
- Footnotes are in superscript and appear immediately after the passage to which they refer, and before the punctuation (ex: “[...] end of quotation1.". Authors should avoid using notes to explain and elaborate on their remarks and reserve them for essential details.
- Authors should not cite bibliographic information in full in the text or in footnotes. Authors should indicate, in parentheses, the name of the referenced author followed by the year of publication. If necessary, the authors can indicate the pages to which they refer: (Boileau, 1991, p. 312).
- When more than one work published in the same year by an author is referenced, authors should distinguish them by the letters a, b, c, etc., appended to the year (ex. Boileau, 1991a).
- If several authors are mentioned in the same reference, the authors must indicate to order the referenced authors in alphabetical order and separate them by a semicolon (ex. Duuis, 1995; Fagnan, 1991; Tardif, 1998).
- If a referenced work has two authors, the authors must mention both names. (Boileau and Fagnan, 1991).
- If a referenced work has three, four or five authors, the authors must cite all the names the first time. In subsequent citations, authors should cite the first author followed by “et al. " (ex. Sanders, Murph and Eng, 1997 for the 1st in-text citation and Sanders et al., 1997 for subsequent citations).
- If a book has six or more authors, authors should only cite the first author followed by “et al. " throughout the text.
- When the name of an organization is mentioned in a reference, authors must include the full name of the organization in the first citation. Authors may use an abbreviation, initials or acronym thereafter, provided that the latter was mentioned in the first citation (ex. National Film Board of Canada [NFB], 1992).
- Full references should appear in the list of references, at the end of the text.
- The list of references should be presented at the end of the manuscript in a section entitled “References”.
- When several references relate to the same author, the authors must present them in ascending order of year of publication.
- When a reference has several authors, all the names of the referenced authors must be mentioned. Authors should not use et al. in the list of references.
APA standards for references presentation:
Sanders, D. H., Murph, A. F. et Eng, R. J. (1984).
Les statistiques, une approche nouvelle. Montréal, Québec : McGraw-Hill.
Brillon, Y. (1986). L’opinion publique et les politiques criminelles.
Criminologie, 19(1), 227–238.
Book chapter:
Lasvergnas, I. (1987). La théorie et la compréhension du social. Dans B. Gauthier (dir.),
Recherche sociale. Sillery, Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Online periodical:
Smith, C. A. et Ireland, T. O. (2005). Les conséquences développementales de la maltraitance des filles.
Criminologie, 38(1), 67-102. Repéré à
Online document:
APA Online. (2001). Electronic References. Repéré à